An oboe orchestra, + continuo and 4-part chorus, is supplemented, in this cantata, with 2 x recorders and a tromba, resulting, in the aria movement, no 3, an orchestration not heard anywhere else in Bach. 1/(chorus): ‘Lord Jesus Christ, -true man and true God....
This cantata may have its compositional roots in music written for a previous funeral event. A chamber-like oboe d’amore orchestra, is supplemented with a single flute, -themselves starkly contrasting orchestral colouration and textual content, the four voices...
A small, 1 x oboe orchestra, with 4-part chorus and soloists, – although the tenor voice in fact has no solo, accompany this short and compact cantata. The score suggests that a violone should be included in the continuo line-up. 1/Sinfonia: The questioning and...
In this New Year’s Day cantata, from 1729, a festive orchestra, -with trumpets and drums, brings some considerable sense of awesomeness and power, to the name of God. 1/(chorus): ‘According to you name, O God, so is your praise, -and to the ends of the...
An oboe orchestra, -with taille, is supported with continuo, + organ obbligato, strings and a four part soloist/choir. The manuscript of this cantata was divided-up, sometime after Bach’s death and although, literally, small pieces still survive, almost the...