A 6 movement cantata, 2 x oboes, strings, four vocal soloists, chorus, continuo, -on this occasion, including Bassoon- and Tromba da tirarsi, or slide trumpet. 1/(Chorus with chorale melody, in canon) ‘Then, I arose and went fourth into the plain: and, behold, the...
Bach: The Cantatas
-Sunday 22nd August-12th Sunday after Trinity-J.S.Bach cantata BWV 35-,Geist und Seele wird verwirret’-
A 2-part cantata, 4+3, the second part, coming, as usual, after the sermon. Bach dispenses with chorus, assigns two recits and three arias, to a single alto voice and provides an introductory, voiceless Concerto, to part 1 and an introductory voiceless Sinfonia, to...
-Sunday 15th August 2021-11th Sunday after Trinity-J.S.Bach cantata BWV 113-,Herr Jesu Christ, du höchstes Gut.‘-
An 8 movement cantata. 1/(chorus) Introductory chorale-fantasia, in B minor. ‘Lord Jesus Christ, the highest good, and the fountain of all grace, see how, within my spirit, I am burdened with sorrows.’ Sorrows again and this time, led on by two loving, lilting, but...
-Sunday 8th August 2021-10th Sunday after Trinity-J.S.Bach cantata BWV 46-,Schauet doch und sehet, ob irgendein Schmerz sei.‘-
A six section cantata, with a long opening movement, -a large-scale lament, 2 x recits, 2 x arias and a closing, accompanied chorale, with episodes. Orchestration calls for: -2x flauto dolce, -or recorders, -1x corno di tirarsi, possibly a slide trumpet, an instrument...